The Real Value of Facebook
I’m one of those people who was slow to embrace Facebook. It seemed like a young person’s toy and it was, until the boomers took it over and now the kids have found a thousand cooler ways to interact with each other. For me, though, Facebook has become a link to the future and a link to the past. It allows me to interact with family who are hundreds of miles away, instantaneously watch adorable photos of my even more adorable grandchildren, “talk” to my son and daughter-in-law, read posts from former friends and acquaintances, and share intriguing information with those who might appreciate it. I’m not someone who records every sneeze or everything I’m eating, but I understand now how this becomes another way to connect. Does it displace personal interaction? No. But when I see the smiling face of my grandson at 8 a.m. in the morning, and he’s in another whole country, I realize that it’s something to finally embrace. Just wish I could embrace him more often.